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Why You Need an Air Purifier in the Bedroom

Why You Need an Air Purifier in the Bedroom

One of the most popular places to put an air purifier is in the bedroom. A lot happens in the bedroom, and the air can become full of dust, bacteria, and allergens. Those pollutants can make you sick and keep you from sleeping well.

Space matters

When looking to buy an air purifier, make sure you look at the space it says it covers. Air purifiers are built to cover a certain square footage, and you don't want to buy one that will purify only half your room.

Bedrooms breed dust, pollutants, and allergens

What are the benefits of adding an air purifier to your bedroom?

Reduces odor

Air purifiers do a great job of reducing and eliminating odors in your bedroom. We spend a lot of time in our bedrooms, and they can be the home of some smelly things, like dirty laundry and bathrooms. 

Reduces dust

Dust collects on everything, and sometimes it feels like you can never get rid of it. You dust one day and the next day there's more. Dust can cause sneezing and eye, throat, and nose irritation. Luckily, air purifiers are great for reducing dust. For more information on dust reduction with and without an air purifier, check out this blog post

Reduces allergens

It's important to keep the allergies outside. Allergies can come from dust, pets, and other pollutants—and they all can make you miserable. Air purifiers are perfect for reducing pet dander and other pollutants in the air that cause allergies. 

Reduces harmful bacteria

Not all bacteria is transferred through touch or surfaces. A lot of harmful bacteria and viruses are airborne and transmitted through the air. Some air purifiers, like the AirSoap, can capture and kill 99.99% of harmful viruses.* 

An unmade bed

Humidifiers vs. air purifiers

You may be wondering what the difference is and if you need both. Air purifiers and humidifiers do very different things. Humidifiers control only the humidity in a room. This can be beneficial for eliminating and reducing dryness of skin, eyes, nose, and throat, especially during cold, dry months. Humidifiers can also help with allergies (clearing nasal passages) and reduce snoring. 

Air purifiers reduce odor, eliminate airborne pathogens and allergens, and also reduce dust and mold—all things humidifiers can't do. That is why it's important to have both and not choose one or the other. 

What we recommend

Do your research when shopping for an air purifier. Determine why you are buying it. Not all air purifiers are the same, nor do they do the same things. We go over those differences in our blog post, "Air Purifiers 101." 

Let us know why you want an air purifier in the comments below.

*AirSoap has been laboratory tested and proven to kill more than 99.99% of even smaller viruses (Influenza A-H3N2). While AirSoap has been certified to capture particles down to 14 nm, we have not performed testing specifically on SARS-COV-2 (the pathogen responsible for COVID-19), as it is not yet available for testing.

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