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Banish Back-to-School Bacteria

Banish Back-to-School Bacteria

It’s here! The day some of us have been looking forward to and some not so much. School is officially in session, which means that your chances of getting sick just went through the roof. Before that roof gets blown off, let’s talk about the procedures that you should take to keep it intact.


It’s the most basic thing but forgotten all too often. If you think that washing your hands doesn’t do much but give you wet hands, then you are incorrect, my friend. Washing your hands:

  • Reduces the number of people who get sick with diarrhea by 31 percent.
  • Reduces diarrheal illness in people with weakened immune systems by 58 percent.
  • Reduces respiratory illnesses, like colds, in the general population by 16–21 percent.

2. Use germ etiquette.

Remember to cough and sneeze into your elbow and wash your hands afterward. When dealing with food, sanitize your hands beforehand to avoid food poisoning.

3. Stay healthy.

Getting plenty of rest and solid nutrition and drinking plenty of water will make you a happier person and help you feel great. It also allows your immune system to better fight bacteria.

4.  Get PhoneSoap.

Your phone is your number one school accessory. That thing is going to collect all the germs and bacteria you touch throughout the day—and you don't want to mess with that stuff. Your PhoneSoap will be your best friend. #BFF

Back-to-school germs are nothing to be afraid of as long as you take precautions to help keep you and your family safe from sickness.

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