Disposable Filters vs. Reusable Filters in Air Purifiers

Air Purifiers with Filters
Most air purifiers require the constant purchase and replacement of HEPA filters to effectively clean the air. Dust and other allergens build up in the filters that are most often made of plastic and fiberglass. If you change your filters the recommended every 2-3 weeks, it becomes expensive and wasteful. Hundreds of thousands of unusable air filters wind up in landfills, causing harm to the environment since they will never decompose.
And if you don't change them, they can grow bacteria and mold and cause additional pollution.
Plus, many air purifiers claim to kill germs but aren't able to catch the tiniest viruses. This leaves greater chance for you to catch illnesses that could potentially be circulating in your home. It’s best to find an air purifier that can kill 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, catching even the smallest particles HEPA filters can't.*

Instead of costly HEPA filters, the AirSoap uses washable, reusable graphene collection plates to neutralize and catch germs and particulates. Our air purifer catches allergens as small as 14 nm (smaller than any virus) and uses Electric Wind Technology's high energy plasma field to kill viruses and polarize airborne particles.
*AirSoap has been laboratory tested and proven to kill more than 99.99% of even smaller viruses (Influenza A-H3N2). While AirSoap has been certified to capture particles down to 14 nm, we have not performed testing specifically on SARS-COV-2 (the pathogen responsible for COVID-19), as it is not yet available for testing.