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How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day When You’re Single

How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day When You’re Single

If you wanted to ask me the question, “Author, what’s the most depressing thing you’ve ever seen?” (and who wouldn’t want to ask me such a fun-filled, good-times question?!) the answer would be easy: an entire wikiHow article entitled “How to Get Through Valentine’s Being Single.”

Whether or not I read it is irrelevant (NO, I’M NOT SOBBING!) but I just need to say something: Why does spending Valentine’s Day alone have to be sad or pitiful? Honestly, Valentine’s Day as a single person can be just as awesome as Valentine’s Day with a significant other, and c’mon: why spend money on somebody else when you can spend it lavishing yourself with a spa day, new books, a trip to the beach, or whatever the heck you want because you’re a free agent.

Did that last paragraph make me sound selfish? Maybe a little… (Okay, just because you’re coughing “A lot!” under your breath doesn’t mean I can’t hear it!) But is the sentiment still true that without a doubt, you can have a blast as a single person on V-Day? Absolutely.

Wondering how? Here are some ideas.

  1. Celebrate Galentine’s Day! Seriously, there is nothing better than a day with your ladies — or your dudes. Basically, just spend some QT (quality time) with all the QTs (cuties) whom you call friends. (Am I so clever or what?! It is honestly shocking that I am spending V-Day alone, but I ain’t complainin’.)

  2. Make (or order) yourself an incredible meal and/or sweet treats. Like, being in love is great, but have you ever had fresh pasta? If I could marry it, I would.

  3. Go somewhere new. Whether that’s traveling to a new part of the world (or planning to because hey, COVID) or just going to a new store, restaurant, park, or wherever, adding a little adventure to your Valentine’s Day is an easy way to make it more fun.

  4. Watch a new movie or binge a new TV show, especially if being alone is difficult for you. Watching something new sucks up all of your attention and takes your mind off of all your worries! (You could even watch with a friend on TeleParty for some extra fun!)

  5. Learn a new skill on YouTube. There are so many options to choose from — how to do a perfect cartwheel (lookin’ at you, Creed Bratton), how to make a pretty and simple bouquet, how to knit, and about a billion others!

  6. Pick up a book you’ve been dying to read. It’s fun and productive and you'll sound crazy smart to everyone who asks what you did for Valentine's Day. Win/win/win.

  7. Spa day. Spending the day pampering yourself is one of the best ways to show self-love IMO — it’ll leave you feeling fresh, rejuvenated, and happier in your own skin.

  8. Splurge on something you’ve been wanting! Getting yourself something fun is a surefire way to make sure this Valentine’s Day is a great one.

  9. Do a Zoom call with people you love — your parents, your siblings, your friends. Spend the day talking with people you adore!

  10. Spread love! You could give your friends cards telling them that you love them, bake them goodies, and even send them flowers or chocolates.


Sometimes we equate being single with being alone, but they’re not even kind of the same thing. You’ve got people that love you, and most importantly, you should love you. Because you’re awesome. So get out there and treat yourself to a fabulous Valentine’s Day!

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