One Year Extended Warranty

One Year Extended Warranty

$0.00 $49.95


    Product: AirSoap

    Introducing Washclock

    See how Washclock can help your overall health


    Washing your hands for 20 seconds is crucial to hand hygiene.


    WashClock + Water

    WashClock is designed to live near your sink. Splash it, dunk it, no problem!


    Right Amount of Time

    This count down while you wash your hands ensures your hands are clean. WashClock gives you the peace of mind that your soap has enough time to do its job.

    Long-Lasting Battery

    The replaceable coin cell battery in the WashClock lasts up to 7,000 hand washes. You'll probably replace your sink before you need to replace the battery!

    Sometimesbigger is better.

    For those large items that won't fit in your PhoneSoap, go extra large.

    Learn more about the HomeSoap

    Make it harderfor germs to hide.

    Your phone isn’t the only thing collecting bacteria. Power up with a cable that powers down germs.

    Learn more about PhoneSoap Cables
